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发布时间:2024-04-30 16:22 作者:jrs直播 阅读:

在三狮军团奋力反击并确保平局后,加雷斯·索斯盖特赞扬了英格兰队对阵比利时队的表现。周二晚上对阵世界排名第四的球队时,英格兰队获得了近三分之二的控球权,并取得了 19 场比赛的胜利。尽管三狮军团有十多名球员因伤缺席,但他们在温布利球场向对手的七次射门。然而,尽管三狮军团进攻积极,但在尤里·蒂勒曼斯的进球后,他们在伤停补时阶段以 2-1 落后。上半场,伊万·托尼也通过点球打进了英格兰队的处子球。直到伤停补时第5分钟,裘德·贝林汉姆终于在比赛的最后一脚为英格兰队扳平了比分。 索斯盖特说:“我认为我们控制了比赛——控球告诉我们这一点——我们创造了很多机会,所以今晚我们比赛中质量不高的部分(对阵巴西)要好得多。 “是的,我们丢了很多球,并且在攻防转换中很脆弱,但这就是我们对球场上球员形象的权衡。我认为凭借所展示的角色,我们确实应该从游戏中获得一些东西。”

Saturday’s 1-0 defeat to Brazil and Tuesday’s 2-2 draw with Belgium were part of England’s preparation for this summer’s UEFA EURO 2024.The players will now focus on club football before the Three Lions take on Bosnia & Herzegovina at St. James Park on June 3 and then Iceland at Wembley Stadium on June 7.Southgate has said he is likely to name a long list of players for this summer’s UEFA EURO 2024 before finally settling on his 23-player squad.And this camp has seen the head coach hand senior debuts to Anthony Gordon, Ezri Konza and Kobbie Mainoo, and give opportunities to several more players due to his squad’s growing injury list.Southgate said: "We probably had 15 players on a long list missing tonight, so there is a lot to think about and assess.“Some of the injuries will be back in a short period of time and some in the latter stages of the season, so it'll be unclear until the latter stages of the season."

On the EUROs, he continued: "We are very happy with the squad. We have some exciting players and there's a lot to work with because frankly we don't know who is going to be available and there is a big chunk of the competitive season still to play.“But these two games have been a great exercise for us. We've tested the players against top opposition and found out a lot of things, good and bad."The introduction of 18-year-old Mainoo into the senior squad seems to have been a success, with the Manchester United academy graduate following Saturday’s second-half substitute appearance with an impressive start against Belgium.And Southgate said: “He had a fabulous week with us and everything we've seen with his club, he reproduced in an England shirt. “He was very calm, received well under pressure and he was strong. We were a little bit more open playing that way but the benefits with the ball were clear to see."






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